I wanted to share a special finish that I had a while ago, but couldn't share until the birthday girl received her parcel. I didn't have a lot to go on except that she likes scissors, the colors purple and pink and smalls. HMMM, whatever shall I stitch her? Okay, smalls it is.
I chose a design by Indigo Rose, her Victoria's 2 pence Scissor Fob. I enlarged it, changed it around, added to it, and came up with this set: a scissor fob, needlebook and biscornu. I also used her Rhodes Heart to decorate a scissor sheath. I used R and R's linen in Breast Cancer Pink and Belle Soie silk in Empress purple. I added beads to the edges of all pieces except the sheath.
I loved working on this. Loved changing it, making it bigger by adding an extra row of rice stitches, and loved doing the finishing on it. I think its taking a blank piece of fabric, a soft piece of silk and making something lovely out of it. Something three dimensional out of it. Something that can be used. And don't we all love using pretty things? And because the birthday girl works giving Mammograms, I added the pink ribbon scissors. I think it made a sweet set. What do you think? Oh, it might help if I add a picture of the set?

The beaded counter was made by my son Chad to match the set I stitched. Isn't it pretty?
I have other finishes to share but the camera batteries need a recharge. I'll be back soon with an update and some pictures that I've just finished framing and a couple of tin necklace finishes. Until then, happy stitching!