Let me start by apologizing for being so lax in updating this blog. In my own defense, I signed up for way too many exchanges. This exchange had to be mailed by mid September and the next one has to be mailed tomorrow. So, I've been concentrating on getting it ready for packaging and mailing, but had to wait before sharing this exchange with you all.
This was a designer exchange. All participants expressed the designer they liked the most, and their partner was to stitch that designer for them. My designer was Shepherd's Bush, of course, and my partner's was Indigo Rose. I was thrilled because, as you know, I also love Indigo Rose. I don't have many charts by Indigo Rose but I do have a few charts from the kits I've bought. I chose to make my partner a bourse, and used the charts from "Mary's Pin Pillow" and "Bee Charmer" for the stitching part of it. I think it turned out exceptionally--I changed the colors of the silks to suit my partner--she's into pastels, and used a lovely Silver Lilac silk dupioni for the outside. I was very happy with the way it turned out, and I think she liked it also.
I, in turn, received two SB scissor fobs, "Happy Wishes" and "Snow", I think its called. My partner did a great job with the stitching, and my package from her was very thoughtful. She also made me a really pretty beaded scissor fob with a tiny pair of scissors attached. Here is my package that made me so happy. She also sent me several skeins of Needlepoint silk and two of Vikki Clayton silks. (I really love using Vikki Clayton silks, the colors are so scrumptious.)
As soon as my partner for the Halloween exchange gets her package, I'll post a picture. I really enjoyed stitching the Halloween one--I don't often stitch that theme.

And while I'm thinking about it, on our Yahoo group, we got to talking about scissors, and collecting them. I pulled out all of my scissors, from the rack they hang on, the lamps they hang over, from sewing boxes and stitching bags, and laid them out on the dining room table to photograph them. I surprised myself at having, in excess of 70 pairs of scissors. I counted 72 but then forgot the pair left hanging on the rack with a SB fob, a pair in a stitching project bag and a pair in my big Vera Bradley stitching bag. Looks like I have at least 25 pair that are languishing without fobs--boo, hoo. Guess I need to get busy with stitching up a few more. I think I also need to make another herb drying rack to hang some more--my only problem, I'm not sure where to hang this new rack. My stash room, perhaps? Sorry that there isn't more detail in the picture. I ended up taking four other pictures just to show a few of the pairs in detail.