Friday, September 28, 2012
It's been a long time
I have tons of pictures to show, finished projects, family pictures, and I really do need to update you about my youngest Grandbaby Chloe who is now almost 2 years old. Actually 2 in early January. She's the cutest and smartest little redhead! She loves to take off her clothes so Mom has to put her clothes on backwards. So funny. She's pretty good at trying to dress herself and she can get her shoes on the correct feet. OH, and I need to introduce you to our new puppy, Luna. She's a little thing, part poodle, part shih tzu, and part dachshund, and all lovable. Of course, not sure how to spell that.
Sorry it has been so long, and really sorry that Google now has blogger. I really hate learning how to do something in a different way. Just feels so unfamiliar, so foreign. Anyway, now that I know how to get here, I'll get my pictures on the computer and get some posted. Glad to be back.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Happy Autumn Everyone
While I've been working on the computer, (it was down about two weeks) I've also been stitching and framing, and reading. Well, no reading for the last week because I was way too busy. This post is heavy with pictures, so if you think you might need to warm up your coffee, go ahead. We'll wait.
First up is what I call my 'Dad Project'. Yes, Jean, I did get it finished, finally. I started this project a few years ago, so I guess I have a finished UFO. It seemed to take me forever. But, now that it's finished, I really like how it turned out. This past week has been a frenzy of framing so that I could give this 'project' to my father at his 75th birthday celebration. Here it is. Do you think he'll like it?

So when did blogger change the way one places pictures? They are still uploaded to the top of the post, but I can't seem to move them the way we used to--drop and drag? If anyone can give me some advice on this--let me put it this way, it took me 3 hours to move all these pictures around so that they were where they were supposed to be. And can you believe we only have two months until Christmas? Where did the time go?
I am definitely going to try to make more posts and I apologize for taking so long with this one. Stitch on, dear friends, and have a great weekend.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The truth really is that I didn't have much to say or share. I don't go out much, or do much but sit at home and stitch while the tv is on, or read, or go visit the grandkids, or have them visit me. I do house cleaning as little as is humanly possible, but the dog sheds so I have to vac sometimes. So, I do try to keep the house clean, which is now possible with DH going back on the road. I didn't remember him to be such a slob until he was home every day. And going back on the road, he's making more money and the bills are finally getting caught up.
So, what have I been doing these past two months? Hmm. Can't remember doing much in June at all. Some stitching, some reading, and all that. But in July, we had a family wedding. My niece Cate was married in Holland, Michigan on July 3rd. Oh, she did us so proud. She was a beautiful bride. She planned out her reception at the Piper Restaurant on the night they would be doing fireworks. DH and I went up to Holland and stayed that weekend with my parents and had just a wonderful time. As hot as it was during the day, it was cool at night, with the breezes coming off Lake Michigan, and through all the pine trees.
Then my new granddaughter Angel had her 4th birthday, that was fun. Grama and Grampa got her a big baby doll and clothes, and a diaper bag, with all the goodies. I think she sang Happy Birthday to herself for three days straight. She is so adorable. She's going to have a new Sibling for a Christmas present.
That brings us to this week. Monday, I had a birthday. Number 57. Why would that age hit me so hard? 50 didn't do it. 55 didn't do it. But this one kind of hit me in the head. I had a great birthday. My youngest son and his wife gave me two lovely tops and a hardcover book, which I jusst finished reading. Oldest son gave me a mini party on Monday. He and his wife brought over a cake, pizza and presents. It was so thoughtful of them. (the presents were Boyd's Treasure boxes. I've been collecting them since they first came out.) Saturday DH is taking me shopping so I can pick out my gift (s). Hope he's prepared.
Stitching. Yes, I have been doing some stitching. My last post I showed LHN's Needle and Thread, the completed stitching and the finished fob. I used the larger piece for a box topper and it looks like this:
Took me nearly a week to get the finish on the box the way I wanted it. I've done nothing inside except for stain and seal, want to line the bottom with fabric, and perhaps some fabric loops to hold scissors, threads, a pin cushion, etc. I plan on making all of my granddaughters some kind of sewing box.
I started stitching on LHN's Little House Neighborhood, but I'm a bit stalled about half way. So, as this was my 'birthday weekend', I picked up LHN's Singing the Blues and have that nearly done. It was so nice getting back to the silks. So, here is where I am with those two projects:
And I've gotten two packages from my friend in France, Marylin. The first package she sent was pretty much missing in action and we both figured it had been destroyed, so she sent me another one. But, after many many weeks, the first package arrived, via Argentina, so here is a picture of the things she sent, and the lovely stitching she made me:Isn't this little girl the sweetest thing you've ever seen? And Marylin did such a great finishing job with it, the ribbon on the sides. It is proudly residing in my china cabinet on display.
Then yesterday, my best friend sent me a birthday package, and this was what was inside:
I was so totally shocked. These are handmade coffee mugs, from the fragrant mushroom , a store where she works, pouring candles. Aren't these the most gorgeous mugs you've ever seen? She said she sent two so DH would have one also, but I told her, absolutely NOT. He takes his mugs outside so I'd just save the extra for when she comes to visit. She also sent me a Shepherd's Bush kit that was on my wish list, Blue Snowman.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Needle and Thread, a finish.

Friday, May 14, 2010
Moonlit Garden Framed, finally!

Friday, March 26, 2010
Moonlit Garden, a finish

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
And now it's MARCH?